ElegantThemes has released Divi 4.0 a few days ago. Pretty amazing. huh? Yeah, I love all those updates. But…. still, they are missing some must-have features. 🙁

It’s disappointing when you discovered the custom headers, we are building with the Theme Builder don’t have the sticky features. (The fixed header when scrolling). But still, I am sure they will include those in the coming updates.

Meanwhile, I am going to give you guys a solution for one thing. I am going to tell you how to make sticky headers in Divi 4.0.

Give superpowers to Divi theme with the UDBA plugin

STEP ONE – How to make sticky custom headers in Divi 

Just create your header in Theme Builder. The way you want. Below is what I did for testing. 


Now add below CSS snippet to the Site. Use any method you normally use to add CSS to your Divi sites.

.et-l--header { 
  position: fixed; 
  top: 0; 
  left: 0; 
  width: 100%; 
  z-index: 99; 
.logged-in .et-l--header { 
  margin-top: 32px; 

And again, add this jQuery code to the website. You can paste this in Theme Options > Integration > Add code to the < body >. Don’t forget to paste in a Script Tag like below.

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){ 
  var header_height = $('.et-l--header').height(); 
  $('#et-main-area').css({ marginTop: ${header_height}px }); 

That’s how to make sticky custom headers in Divi, guys. It should work without any issues. If you got any, do not hesitate to comment below.


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